Tuesday 31 January 2012

Project Performance management

Project Performance management is used to track an organization’s progress against its strategic plan and specific performance goals. While Performance Measures can be applied to individual projects to ensure that deadlines are met and costs are controlled, etc., it is essential for the Project Manager to understand how the project itself supports the organization’s strategy, and how the project will impact or influence the organization’s key Performance Measures.
It’s happened to nearly every project manager sometime in their career. They’re given the requirement to provide detailed performance reporting on a project and end up spending most of their time entering hours worked into work packages in Microsoft Project and estimating percent complete on these packages – on a daily basis. Whether the requirement for that level of reporting was real or perceived, the project manager finds that he’s unable to manage the day to day activities of his project because he’s too busy trying to measure the project’s performance.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Top 10 Success Factors for Managing Project

It might be difficult to define the success of the project.              
You'd think that delivering what the client wants on time and on budget would be considered success and it would, but there are other ways to achieve a successful outcome. Each client will have their own idea of success. One client may be willing to sacrifice features for a quicker delivery, another may be happy to extend the timeline to add in additional features. In both cases, the client gets what they want and the project is considered a success. In both cases, the project did not deliver on time, on budget with agreed functionality. This is where we need to start thinking outside the square.
Applying below simple techniques will help you avoid many common problems that befall many project managers: