Monday 13 May 2013

Better managing IT Services

IT service management or IT service support management refers to the implementation and management of quality IT services that meet the needs of the business. IT service management is performed by IT service providers through an appropriate mix of people, process and information technology.

The 10 tips to improve the IT services are below:
1. Define your Ticket Process
Define the service process based on SLA and determine service types, steps to follow to resolve the ticket
2. Utilize Different Ways to Create Tickets
The tickets are created from client calls, alters, Emails and portal. Need to have the services to handle the different tickets.
3. Evaluate your Dispatch Strategy
“Honor the clients that honor you” is the mantra for evaluating the dispatch strategy. Evaluate the   dispatch strategy based on priority and time to resolve the tickets
4. Keep Resources On-boarded
Make sure the resources are billable by balancing the workload and on boarding the resources based on skills to handle from front end support to problem solving.
5. Monitor Boards
Monitor the tickets status daily and provide the report to management
6. Service Automated Workflows
Define notifications (internal and external) to be executed when a service ticket is changed to a specific status.
Define steps to be executed based on conditions (triggers) for a service ticket.
7. Leverage Closed Loop Communication
Clients want to KNOW that you are working on their problem. Communication of the ticket status at correct time is very important
8. Schedule Recurring Tickets
Increase efficiency by automating repetitive tasks like system upgrades, reports and backend jobs.
9. Deploy Managed Services
Plan for releasing the upgrading the services
10. Get resources to Update Tickets
Explain the team to the importance of updating status Management visibility of tickets that are getting “stuck” (with no status updates they all appear stuck) and Effective communications to the Client via portal and notifications means fewer calls requesting updates


  1. Great Article, Valuable points you have shared, Also Managed IT services are a powerful way for SMB to manage their IT budget while getting the most bang for their buck. Not only is it a cost-saving opportunity but it allows the business to focus on more prominent issue and further develop their organization.

    IT Support Services

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great article, you made some good points, Also, managed IT services are a great way for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to manage their IT budgets and get the most for their money. Not only does it save money, but it also gives the business a chance to focus on more important issues and grow as a whole.

    It support services
